Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Hudson's 3, the twins are 1, and oh do we have lots of fun!!!

The big shoot....say "cheese"!!!
Sweet brother love:)

Miss Isabelle
Miss Sophia
Sister Love
One big happy crazy family!
The Main Man...Mommy's Helper, Daddy's Worker, Sissies' Protector
Isabelle being serious
Handsome Hudson
Time to be silly....I think we're in trouble!
 Pure Mischief!
Pure Sweetness!

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Official Shoe of the Bird House

Hudson has always had a shoe love affair with his Chuck Taylors. I am not even sure what pair we are on these days. He wears them until they are falling apart or he outgrows them, whichever comes first. Then we are off to pick out another pair. He has passed along this tradition to his sisters who, more often than not, sport their pink ones. Mommy occassionally breaks out her's when asked.
Even his YaYa has gotten on board this Chuck Taylor bandwagon. Yes, she got her first pair this week and Hudson is super excited!!!

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Thankful for my husband...

I am ever so thankful for my husband. So here's to you, Derek....for all that you are and all that you do...thank you.

I think these are the top 50....

1. He works hard.
2. He wants the best for our family.
3. He doesn't whine or complain.
4. He is the calm one...always.
5. He is honest.
6. He is the perfect father.
7. He is a human jungle gym for the little Birds.
8. He always does the right thing...not the easiest.
9.  He changes diapers...and better yet, he empties the diaper genie.
10. He is dependable.
11. He is loving and kind.
12. He is passionate about our family.
13. He is a man of God.
14. He is planner and a saver.
15. He is organized...most of the time:)
16. He can fix most things.
17. He is disciplined.
18. He doesn't swear...in front of the children.
19. He values my opinion.
20. He marvels at our children.
21. He doesn't make excuses.
22. He helps with the laundry.
23. He reads to our children.
24. He is silly with our children.
25. He values what I do as a wife and mommy...even when he comes home to complete chaos.
26. He gets what's important in life.
27. He would lay down his life for us.
28. His arms are protective.
29. He is a gentleman.
30. He is creative.
31. He is a great provider.
32. He takes out the trash.
33. He makes me laugh.
34. He calls when he is running late.
35. He volunteers to wash the sippy cups.
36. He appreciates the little things in life.
37. He is honorable.
38. He is a man of his word.
39. He is a trusted friend.
40. His eyes don't stray.
41. He finds the fun in life.
42. He has a good heart.
43. He is respected.
44. He is not a show-off.
45. He is encouraging.
46. He makes the coffee.
47. He puts our family first...always.
48. He will take the dogs out.
49. He would do anything to make me smile.
50. He leads by example.

I love you more than you will ever know!