Sunday, November 20, 2011

Sleep Over Success

Now that YaYa and GoGo have moved back from their "city house" (the second floor of one of the commercial buildings in the fabulous Gruene Lake Village) to their "country house" (the house across the street from us), Hudson watches like a hawk out the windows for them so he can go play and of course "work"!!! Well, this past weekend Daddy had to work late so Hudson got to go across the street for dinner and fun while I did the bedtime routine with the twins. As bedtime for little man drew near, YaYa came over to tell me that Hudson decided he was going to spend the night with them so she needed some jammies. Oh boy, this should be interesting seeing as how they didn't move the guest bed from the city house. Sooooo, you guessed it, Hudson was going to sleep in their bed. Well he got showered, got his jammies on, and made himself comfy in their bed. YaYa called to tell me that it looked like he was really going to lights out. He was a champ and did midnight phone call that he was coming home. The next morning he was so excited to tell me all about sleeping in YaYa's bed. He also informed me that GoGo snores and he had to tell him to be quiet. The little bed hog snuggled right in the middle which made for little sleep for the poor, sweet grandparents, but oh how he loved his first sleep much so that he was ready to do it again tonight!!!

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