Thursday, December 1, 2011

Life in Pictures...The Bird Side

For Christmas last year, the grandkids gave their Oma and Opa a gift certificate to have big family pictures done with the lovely and talented Amber Walters of A.Leigh Photography! Here are a few from our recent photo shoot in Gruene. It was daylight savings weekend and the kids were adjusting to the new time change. Poor Hudson was napping like a champ...we had to wake him up to make it there on time...he tried his best but was just not in the mood for a photo shoot...
The entire family:)

Oma & Opa
Hudson and Opa
Sweet Millie Grace..."Millie, how old are you?" it!
 Everyone looking lovely!
Everyone...well, not even looking...

We love them! Pictures to cherish for a lifetime!
Coming soon....The Flume Side

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