Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Not your average diaper change...

With three kiddos 3 and under, life is, more often than not, crazy. Life as a parent of multiples is, more often than not, crazy. That being said, the twins are becoming a bit more self-sufficent...and we may be on to something here...
Sophia decided to be proactive and help her sister out! She managed to gather all of the necessary supplies: wipes, diapers, hiney cream. She even managed to get the diaper pulled down a bit and un-done....if only she would have taken the shorts off first. Oh, but with mommy's help, she changed her sister like a champ! What's a sister to do in return as a thank you? Well, Miss Isabelle took charge and helped changed Sophia's diaper. Seriously, since we are not quite ready to potty train full force....could this work? Amusing nonetheless:)))

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