Wednesday, October 12, 2011

A Living Legend

Last night we were fortunate enough to attend the New Braunfels Living Legends Dinner where they honored a truly amazing man....Coach Bud Dallmann!!! An honest, hard-working, kind-hearted, man of faith who has devoted his entire life to what he loves....God, family, and swimming. He has been involved in every aspect of the sport from competition to coaching and officiating. Bud has touched the lives of countless people, including my own, and has made many strive to be "better today than yesterday and better tomorrow than today". For 14 years under his instruction, I competed, and I am a better person because of him. I was always greeted with a big hug and a "top of the morning to you"....and always with a smile! Whenever anyone asks how he is doing, his response..."better than deserved!" He has given so much to the sport, to the community, to his family, and to all of those lucky enough to have been coached by him. So here's to you, Coach....thank you for your dedication to swimming and coaching, thank you for pushing me to always try harder and swim faster, thank you for leading by example, thank you for your unmatched acts of kindness, thank you for your love and support over the past 26 years...may we all be able to work to pay it forward. If only there were more Bud Dallmanns of the world, it would be a far more wonderful place!
Coach Bud....we love you!!!

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