Tuesday, October 4, 2011

A Breakfast Date

Unlike most of the world, Hudson loves Monday mornings! Why? Well because he gets to go on a breakfast date with his YaYa. She takes him to Naegelins for some sweet treats. They sit outside to eat them and to watch all the cars drive past and around the plaza. On extra special days they even go to the park! So with construction and lots of loud noises at the house this week, we have had to make ourselves scarce on more than one occasion. The most recent of these was the other morning just as the kids were waking up. Normally we would head out for a run and then stop at the coffeehouse for some Mr. Wille cinnamon rolls, a latte, and some tractor time in the courtyard; however, I decided to surprise my little man with a breakfast date. So with three little Birds in tow, we ventured to the Naegelins and had a lovely, and somewhat relaxing, morning...
 Yummmmmmmmy....bear claws and chocolate doughnuts...what kid wouldn't be in heaven?
The twins loved chilling in BOB checking out the cars and people. They ate their yummy fruit while eyeing the pastries....just wishing Hudson would sneak them a bite of his scrumptious, sugar-filled breakfast goodies.

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