Saturday, February 18, 2012

It ain't easy being 3!

Seriously, where has the time gone! 3 years ago today our family got a little bigger and a whole lot sweeter! God blessed us with the most amazing and precious baby boy....perfect in every way! He has brought more joy and love to our lives than we could have ever thought possible. Over the past 3 years, he has melted my heart over and over, has become my right hand man, has been the best son and most wonderful big brother. He loves all things boy from tractors to dirt to cars to anything outdoors, loves to help out always, loves to take care of the doggies, loves to snuggle, loves to read, loves to cook, loves time with family, loves the color blue, loves his Monday morning Naeglins with YaYa and KK, loves being a big brother and Daddy's helper, and LOVE loves to work!!! I can't imagine my life without my little man...Happy Happy Birthday to Hudson!!!
Enjoying his last night of being 2...PJ party and movie night with Mommy!!!
Oh sweet Hudson....We love you to the moon and back a million times over!!!!
Mommy, Daddy, Isabelle, Sophia
Thelma & Louise

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