Tuesday, July 19, 2011

A little of this and a little of that...

Seriously, where has the time gone??? My babies are 7 months old, crawling all over the place, getting into anything and everything, cutting teeth like champs, and are officially helmet free with the most perfect little heads. Hudson seems to have grown up overnight. He talks non-stop and has quite an extensive vocabulary, forgets nothing, plays hard, helps Mommy and Daddy with everything, and loves his little sisters oh so much!

A little glimpse into our summer days...

 Wanted: taller slide and bigger pool!
 Look out...Isabelle on the move!
 Sweet Sophia
Little Stinker
 Trouble times two!
 Isabelle loving the water...
 Sophia not too sure about the water...
 Squirt me...I love it!
Still not too sure about the water...
 Could not get enough!
 Finally loving it...
 Learning to float
Cruising on his big boy bike!

Oh and Monday was the twins' DOC band graduation day. They had to get naked for the 3D imaging and "after" photos, so we chilled in the room in between photo sessions.
Isabelle to Sophia: "Will trade butt cream for the dirty diaper bag holder"...no interest at all in the toys I brought
 "Excuse me...you want me to do what?"
"Why am I naked and where's my helmet???"

Oh and then there is my son.....the ladies' man!!!
Hudson and Miss Alexa Jayne...his "Uptown Girl" as he likes to call her:)
Sweet Little Liv and Hudson

How I wish time would slow down just a bit!!!

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