Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Strike a Pose

I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE pictures! We have the most fabuous photographer...Amber Walters of A. Leigh Photography...who has so perfectly captured the heartwarming smiles, giggles, funny faces, crazy moments, and life of all my little ones. She is so patient and super sweet. Hudson is at that age where he is not too terribly fond of having his picture taken, but she worked her magic and he was "hamming" it up for her. I wish I could post them all, but here are some shots from our most recent shoot....twins are 6 months old and Hudson is a big 2 year old!

Isabelle and Sophia playing in their room
Hudson and his Choo-Choo Train
Can you tell they're teething??
Personalities shining through..Sophia on the left and Isabelle on the right
Sophia says "Hi" and Hudson wants to play in the rocks
 Isabelle just chillin'
Lovely Sophia
 My handsome little man!!!
 Miss Isabelle
 Miss Sophia
 King of the World!....or at least Gruene Lake Village:)

 Isabelle charging it up:)
 Just an ordinary morning in the courtyard of The Gruene Door...best restaurant around:)
The perfect ending!

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