Saturday, September 24, 2011

A Baptism for 2! seems to be the lucky number for our family. Derek and I had our first adventure together on the 18th of June, our son was born on the 18th of February, our twins were born on the 18th of December, and now the 18th of September holds a special place in our hearts as this was the date the twins were baptized. Here are some pictures, with a bit of commentary, of the blessed event....

A calm picture....before the twins decided to get "vocal"....and before Hudson decided to, well, you'll see...
 Sophia getting a little pre-splash love from Miss Liv and Isabelle checking out what's above.
Hudson getting a little "warning" to be a good boy, to stand still and watch's only just begun....
Hudson had no shame "hamming" it up at the front and going up the stairs...
....and down the stairs...
...and why not mix in a little dance...
Mommy and Daddy both caught giving him the super displeased, we are mortified parents, and you are about to be in serious trouble looks! Notice Isabelle watching him, smiling, as if she is taking a mental note of his mischief? At least Sophia's too busy trying to get Daphne's pearls to know what's going on.
Hudson's face says it all:"What are they going to do? Spank me in front of the entire congregation? I think not!"
Isabelle was born first....and baptized first
 Sophia checking out his beard
What a wonderful day! It wouldn't have been an event with the Birds if there wasn't just a bit of chaos! 
Uncle RaRa treated us all to lunch after the occasion...Hudson hanging with his cousins at The Gruene Door!

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