Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Countdown to KK

Auntie KK is coming for a visit this weekend!!! Oh my little Birds are so excited...and so am I...we miss her terribly! Hudson is already planning out his trip to visit her and Koury in Dallas. "Mommy, how far away is Dallas? I can't see Dallas from our house, can I? How come? Can we go to Dallas soon? I miss my Auntie KK! I love my Auntie KK!" Traveling that far with just my little man would be pretty easy...it is traveling that far with him and his sisters that is going to be the challenge. And since it is always me and all 3, I need to pep myself for such a journey. Not to mention the fact that I think Auntie KK will need to psych herself up if I come along with all my little Birds in tow. So for now we are happy she is coming this way. We love our KK bunches and are super excited for a fun-filled weekend with her:)

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