Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Happy Birthday to YaYa....a day late in posting!

Happy Happy Birthday to the best YaYa in the whole wide world....we love you to the moon and back a million times over!!! We are so blessed to have you and hope that you enjoyed your special day as much as we did:)
After a birthday breakfast at our house with YaYa and Auntie KK, we ventured out to HEB in search of some birthday flowers. Hudson did a fantastic job picking out a variety of pretty pink flowers for us to arrange and we couldn't leave without a blue Happy Birthday balloon! We got special cards for our special YaYa and then headed home (after a quick stop in the isle with all the tractors). We got home, Hudson helped create a beautiful bouquet, and we headed out to make our special delivery.
It always stinks to have to work on your birthday. We wish we could have "filled" in for her so she didn't have to.....but since that wasn't an option, we decided to have a little extra fun for YaYa....
Nothing like a little swim on a hot summer day!
My crazy little Isabelle....the more splashing, the better
Sophia giving Hudson a lift
A little before bedtime grocery shopping...Sophia put the boots on all by herself!

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