Holy Cow!!!...Miss Isabelle's new favorite phrase. Mighty cute to say the least.
Holy Cow! It's almost July and we have been busy Birds! Time to catch up on things:)
Holy Cow! My babies are 18 months old!!! 1&1/2 already? Where has the time gone?! They are walking running, talking, climbing, water-loving, must do everything my brother does, I only want my mommy, little masters of mess making who have made the small things in life like grocery shopping and cleaning house much more exciting. I can't get enough hugs, sugar, "hold you" mommy, roars (I wonder who they learned that from), smiles, giggles, and those laughs that make me so happy I tear up thinking how lucky I am to be their mommy! Double the blessings and double the fun for sure!!!
Holy Cow! My mom was right in warning me that I never went through the "terrible 2's" but oh did I make up for it when I was 3. There are definitely days when Hudson works very hard to test my patience and my ability to tame the terrible 3's. Thankfully, those days don't come too often and even when they do, at the end of the day he is still my sweet little boy who loves to rock, read, and snuggle. What can I say, ultimately he does have me wrapped around his little finger and nothing makes me happier than to see him happy. He makes our lives so much sweeter and each day brighter. I can't get enough of his "squeezing" hugs and sugar, his "just 5 more minutes to snuggle", his perfect little manners, his sweet spirit, his gentle heart, his love for his sisters, his ability to share (most of the time) and teach his sisters new things, and his desire to be a helper! He has grown up so fast...I wish time would slow down just a bit. He is always on the go, loves to work, loves to play...though he loves to work more than play! He loves to mow, to pull weeds, to play in the dirt, to get dirty, to wash cars, to water plants, to pick strawberries, to dress like his Daddy and GoGo, and still loves all things tractor.
Holy Cow!...it is bloody hot here in the heart of Texas!!! Needless to say, we have been spending a lot of time around water, finding creative things to do indoors, and doing our best to keep cool. So here's a glimpse into our summer so far....
Nothing like a little homemade icecream to bring a smile to your face...
...that is until it is all gone:(
Fun times at the lake again!
Love this little guy more than words can say!
Isabelle wanted to play with Hudson and the "big boys"
On the run....trying to keep up!!!
Sophia decided to soak up some KK love:)
Trying to "stay cool"

Oh baby!
And we're gearing up for Wurstfest a bit early:)
And Mardi Gras?!? Yikes!
GoGo and his "mini-me"....need I say more:)
We love, love, love to read!
And spy on the neighbors...only kidding! Hudson's keeping watch for his YaYa!
Every now and then, a timeout is necessary. You know your sister loves you when she will join you in time out for moral support!
Moments like this melt my heart...all three as happy as can be!!!
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