Sunday, June 19, 2011

Happy Father's Day

I am abundantly blessed, truly grateful, and forever in awe...I have the greatest father and husband. Today is a day to take the time to reflect on their respective greatness. My dad: a man who works and works hard. He has built not only a life but a legacy, one that will live on through my children and no doubt the generations to come. There are not enough words to properly express the love and gratitude in my heart for all that he has done for me and for what he means to me. So to my dad, I thank you...for your honesty, for your generosity, for your kind heart, for your willingness to help, for always going above and beyond, for all of your hard work, for the sacrifices you have made, for all that you do for our family, for making me want to be a better person, for your love and support, for being the most awesome GoGo...and simply, for being you. My husband: a man who is steadfast and true. He, too, works incredibly hard and does so for the same reasons, to provide a better life for our family. So to my husband, I thank you...for your unconditional love, for being an amazing father to our children, for leading by example, for your trust and respect, for always doing what is right, for working so hard so that I can be with our kiddos all day every day, for the sacrifices that you make for us, for having faith, for all that you do for our family....and simply, for being you. I know that one day my children will have the same appreciation for their dad as I do for mine and that in itself is priceless. Margaret Truman once said, "It's only when you grow up, and step back from him, or leave him for your own career and your own home--it's only then that you can measure his greatness and fully appreciate it. Pride reinforces love."

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