Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Sushi?...I'm 2...Don't mind if I do!

While the twins are indulging in their new-found love of food, albeit baby food, Hudson has also been testing his palate with scrumptious new flavors and foods! Yes, this includes sushi. I don't know what I find more amusing....the fact that he really does like sharing veggie rolls and edamame with YaYa and GoGo OR the way he comes home and tells me: "Hudson ate sushi, Mommy!"...pure excitement in his sweet voice...and that coupled with his contagious laugh is priceless!  So, bring on the chop sticks and serve it up right because my 2 year old is a fan of the A-Tan. Though the crispy chicken and special desserts (almost always involving chocolate) seem to be his favorites, he dives right in to try almost anything....and yes, he uses the chop sticks...probably better than some adults. On the most recent dinner adventure, my parents gave him edamame to try. At first, he tried to eat the whole thing until they demonstrated the proper way to do it. At that point, I'm sure he most likely enjoyed squeezing them out of the shell, so to speak, more so than the actual consumption. It is little moments like these that I feel the need to document, so as to forever etch in my mind the simple everyday acts that make life so much sweeter. Oh how I love the way he talks about himself in the third person. I love the pure joy and excitement in his voice. I love that he loves the simple pleasures in life such as food...and tractors, which he always takes to dinner. I love the way he calls my dad Michael instead of GoGo when GoGo is "misbehaving"....with the proper inflection in his voice, mirroring how my mom says it. I love the way he jumps up and down in front of his sisters in their jumperoos to make them laugh and jump too. I love that he doesn't like spit-up (anything that comes out of his sisters' mouths) and his stipulation for sharing his toys is that they don't spit-up on them. I love his hugs times two with sugar in the middle. I love that, no matter what, he always makes me smile! I love so many things, everything about him, the list could go on and on. So for now back to the sushi... hats off to Hudson and his love of good food and fun!

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