Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Project Playroom

Project Playroom was completed about a month ago and Hudson loves it! We converted what was our office downstairs into a playroom for Hudson so that he would have his "own" space to play tractors, build with legos, color, and just be all boy without his sisters getting into his business. I made the mistake of asking him how he wanted to decorate it and he said he wanted it blue....what a surprise! After alot of back and forth and my husband coming close to wanting a divorce, we picked a color. We get the painting done and the next morning when I walked in to check out our finished product I was distraught...I was pretty sure I didn't like the was so very bright....I missed the dark can all only imagine how pleased Derek was at this point. Hudson, of course, came downstairs that morning and was in total blue heaven. He loved it! Well, it was his playroom and if he loved it that is all that matters, right? I was just hoping that once I got the furniture moved in and stuff on the walls that I too would love it. Well, I have taken a liking to it and we are just happy that we were able to give Hudson his own little room to take refuge from his sisters and their mischief. Here's a little glimpse...notice the latest lego masterpiece complete with choo choo train and all...not sure who has more fun building, Mommy or Hudson??....
Now it is on to Project Big Boy Room!!!

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

We don't say "Yeah"

Hudson: "We don't say yeah, we say yes ma'am and yes sir." 

As a huge proponent of good manners and as a mommy who is working hard to ensure that my children will value them, you can only imagine the pride, the excitement, the pure joy that I feel as I hear my 2 year old son say this to people who he hears using the word "yeah". Whether it be a mere acquaintance or, most recently, his Opa, he will call them out on it and correct them! "We don't say yeah, we say yes ma'am and yes sir."  It brings a smile to my face and a tear to my eye. He really was listening every time I uttered those same words to him. I absolutely love that he "uses his manners" and it is amazing how many people notice them. I was in Target with the kiddos one day...Hudson was super excited because he got to pick out a new movie. Some sweet older ladies were oohing and ahhing over the twins and Hudson. They asked him a question and he responded ever so politely with a "yes ma'am". Both smiled and one of them looked at me and said "we never hear that anymore so thank you, mommy, for teaching him yes ma'am" which I politely responded with "yes ma'am". We also figured that it is never too early to start teaching children to "use their manners" as we call it, so Hudson is helping teach the twins "please" and "thank you" sign language, of course.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Skinny-Dipping is for the Birds

With a big brother who loves to play outside all the time....with tractors, dump trucks, 4 wheelers, and water...impromptu swims for the twins are becoming more common. Why bother with the tutu swimsuits when they'd rather be naked!

 Hudson working hard...too busy to stop for a picture
 Watching Hudson on the tractor...
 A full moon tonight...?
 Water break
Loving life

Of course if we have company, the tutu suits are not optional....
 Sophia doing the freestyle
 Isabelle trying to make a break for it...
 Sweet friends!
 Liv loves to share

 Too cute precious little man...too busy

Sink Bath Central

As for bath time at the Bird House, we have come to a crossroads. The twins are starting to outgrow their little whale tub and only want to sit straight up in it and splash....not going to lie, it makes me a little sad. They are way too crazy and mischievous for Mommy to safely give them a bath together in the big bath tub. I refuse to spend more money on so called make your life easier baby crap that was all designed by someone who most likely hasn't had a baby. So what to do? What did my mom and grandmother do? How does one bath 2 babies at once? Well we are all about being efficient, so sink bath for 2 it is!!! 

What little one doesn't love them?!!!

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Twin Tricks: Part 1

I say "Part 1" because these little twin tricksters seem to be no match for this mommy and I will no doubt have many more posts and pictures to follow in future "parts"...they are clever, they are fast, they have no fear, and they want what they want when they want it and will go and get it. I don't remember Hudson getting into this much mischief! The shortest distance between two points is a straight line...damn straight...even that means going over a toy, a sister, a brother, or a mommy to get there! These girls love to crawl and climb, and they always want what their brother doesn't want them to have...oh the game of life and trying to keep three little birds happy!
The look on Hudson's face says it all...he does not like these girls invading his space!
On your mark...
I should have had the video camera because she started shaking her little booty in the air!
"Yes, I eat my socks"...thank you to Miss Liv for teaching them this trick:)
Under is faster than going around:)
He finally barricaded himself and his tractors!

You never know what to expect....oh the fun we's to our crazy life!!!

"Uptown Girl"

It began one Sunday afternoon while I was extremely preggo with the twins. Hudson and I...well mainly Hudson... were dancing away upstairs in his room to random tunes and this sweet little number from Billy Joel started playing...who knew he would take such a liking to it. From that moment on, anytime it came on he would say "Mommy, it's Uptown Girl!" ...we were even in the coffeehouse for breakfast one morning when it came on and he shouted out to Mrs. Wille, "It's Uptown Girl"! It wasn't much longer before he then informed me that he had an "uptown girl". When I asked him who it was, he ever so adorably said "Alexa"! For those of you who don't know the sweet little Alexa Jayne, her mommy and I are good friends and she was born 3 days before Hudson. So, they were destined to be little buddies. Hudson loves our playdates and has now even started talking to her on his "play" cell phone!
Oh my I in trouble...
This past weekend I heard Hudson talking to someone from the other room. I walked into the living room to see what exactly he was doing. I found him on "his" phone chatting away about his tractors, his new movie, and what his plans were for later. When I asked him who he was talking to he gave me the "oh Mom" kind of look and said my "uptown girl" Alexa. WOW....all I could do was was so cute!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

PINK in Gruene

This past Friday night, a sassy pink fire truck named "Debbie" cruised slowly into Cotton Crossing for the night and to set up shop in Gruene Lake Village all day Saturday. "Debbie" is one of several pink fire trucks in the Guardians of the Ribbon, South Texas Chapter, of the Pink Heals Tour. "Cares enough to wear pink" is their motto, and these firemen and women travel across the country in these spectacular pink fire trucks carrying the signatures of special people all to support women and bring awareness, love, and hope. They were even nice enough to give Hudson and his GoGo a special ride in "Debbie" .....needless to say, Hudson woke up Saturday morning wanting to go ride on the pink fire truck again.

They may be coming back in December for our annual Christmas in the Village!!!