Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Project Playroom

Project Playroom was completed about a month ago and Hudson loves it! We converted what was our office downstairs into a playroom for Hudson so that he would have his "own" space to play tractors, build with legos, color, and just be all boy without his sisters getting into his business. I made the mistake of asking him how he wanted to decorate it and he said he wanted it blue....what a surprise! After alot of back and forth and my husband coming close to wanting a divorce, we picked a color. We get the painting done and the next morning when I walked in to check out our finished product I was distraught...I was pretty sure I didn't like the was so very bright....I missed the dark can all only imagine how pleased Derek was at this point. Hudson, of course, came downstairs that morning and was in total blue heaven. He loved it! Well, it was his playroom and if he loved it that is all that matters, right? I was just hoping that once I got the furniture moved in and stuff on the walls that I too would love it. Well, I have taken a liking to it and we are just happy that we were able to give Hudson his own little room to take refuge from his sisters and their mischief. Here's a little glimpse...notice the latest lego masterpiece complete with choo choo train and all...not sure who has more fun building, Mommy or Hudson??....
Now it is on to Project Big Boy Room!!!

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