Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Twin Tricks: Part 1

I say "Part 1" because these little twin tricksters seem to be no match for this mommy and I will no doubt have many more posts and pictures to follow in future "parts"...they are clever, they are fast, they have no fear, and they want what they want when they want it and will go and get it. I don't remember Hudson getting into this much mischief! The shortest distance between two points is a straight line...damn straight...even that means going over a toy, a sister, a brother, or a mommy to get there! These girls love to crawl and climb, and they always want what their brother doesn't want them to have...oh the game of life and trying to keep three little birds happy!
The look on Hudson's face says it all...he does not like these girls invading his space!
On your mark...
I should have had the video camera because she started shaking her little booty in the air!
"Yes, I eat my socks"...thank you to Miss Liv for teaching them this trick:)
Under is faster than going around:)
He finally barricaded himself and his tractors!

You never know what to expect....oh the fun we's to our crazy life!!!

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