You all know how much I love, love, love pictures. It was so much easier to get great shots with just one kiddo, but trying to corral 3 crazy little birds for even one sweet moment with all smiles has proved to be nearly impossible. I am persistent and determined, so try as I may, one day I will accomplish such a task! Here are some attempts and some funny ones mixed in...
Take close but it only goes downhill
Foot in the mouth...but still happy

Take close but it only goes downhill
Foot in the mouth...but still happy
Hudson had enough.
Take 2...I had no chance...they are so fast!!!
Tractors are more important...and Hudson was soooooooooo sweet to share
"Do these make my butt look big?"
All in their own little worlds!
Ok, so Hudson loves his sunglasses and has to have them at all times while while we were at Target the other day he spotted some for his sisters...
Isabelle loved them! Future little diva....Daddy's in trouble!!!
As far as Sophia loving them...not so much! I think she was also pretty pissed about the clip I put in her hair to keep it out of her eyes.
Good Morning!
Happy Baby!
Excuse me...
It wasn't me...
Watching big brother head off in his "car" with YaYa and Henry!
Promising not to drive too crazy!
If you're happy and you know it, clap your hands!...My little entertainer:)
Pure mischief......always!
So adorable... I love these little birds!