Thursday, May 26, 2011

GoGo calls them gladiators...

After one long day in Austin with my sweet sister (who probably didn't realize what she was agreeing to when asked to tag along to help out), our adorable twins are now outfitted in the most fabulous little DOC bands! We arrived at Cranial Technologies a bit early to feed the hungry little birds and after Amy made adjustments and fitted them in their helmets, we ventured out to have some a restaurant...a first for us with the twins! It is so funny when you walk in places because everyone literally does a double take. It is even more amusing when they ask "are they twins?"...of course they are, do the matching outfits and the fact that they look exactly alike not make that pretty clear?? Cracks me up! Anyways, the girls were great right up until the food arrived and then they both decided to wake up and require immediate and undivided attention! Thank goodness for Auntie KK!!! The cute older couples around us just smiled and stared at them....partly because they are twins and that in itself is fascinating, partly because they are so stinkin cute, and mostly because they had these strange white looking helmet things on their heads! The bands still had the DOC band stickers on the back of them and I could see one older lady look to her husband and ask "what is a DOC band" and he replied with a "hell if I know kind of stare", but they were never brave enough to look over at me to ask. We just smiled and the girls just laughed while we played with them and attempted to eat a quick bite. After our lunch date, we went back to feed the birds again and also for a helmet re-check so that Miss Amy could make sure all was well with the little crowns...yes she called them crowns because after all, every princess needs a crown, right? I thought that was so adorable. Well, leave it to my dad, affectionately known by children as "GoGo", to turn my vision of little princesses in crowns to gladiators. Yes, he thinks the DOC bands make them look like gladiators. The bright caribbean blue shade Hudson picked out for me to paint them doesn't help. So sadly, I must admit that he is right! Oh well, they are super cute little gladiators and Hudson thinks it is really cool! Thank goodness for a website called "BlingYourBand" devoted to making it easy for mommies to decorate the bands for their little ones. They created the cutest vinyl decals for the by the end of the week our little blue gladiators will have their names and precious little birds in the most fabulous shades of pink, yellow, and purple on their "crowns"!!! Pictures to come of them fully decorated, but we had to share the memories we captured as the girls were "crowned"!

 Miss Sophia
 Just any other day...
 Miss Isabelle
Must pose like my sissy!

We were worried about how they would react to the bands, how they would sleep with them on, how  Hudson would react to them, and how we would deal with all the people who just "stare" at them. So far I am totally impressed with my girls . They have been champs with their helmets and are not bothered by them one bit. The first night they slept in them and did beautifully! Hudson thinks their helmets are awesome and doesn't like it when I have to take them off! The next couple of months will most definitely be interesting!

1 comment:

  1. Oh, Doc bands!! Dayton had one of those. I told Derek to beware, bc they get stinky-stinky, especially in this hot weather! They are so adorable!!!
