Tractors, tractors, and more tractors....our house is filled with little tractors, big tractors, Lego tractors, John Deere tractors, tractors for the dirt, tractors for the sand, tractors to pick up rocks, tractors to haul lumber (aka crayons), tractors to dump, tractors to plow, tractors to tow, and tractors to ride. Hudson loves all things tractor! This little love affair began quite some time ago when his GoGo came by with a small present for was his very first John Deere tractor. Well let's just say that the excitement and huge smile melted his GoGo's heart and Hudson now has him forever wrapped around his little finger. For a while, with each new week came a new tractor. GoGo even had to build him a two-story tractor garage with ramp to store his tractor treasures. Hudson takes a tractor or 2 or 3 everywhere we go. He has tractor books and tractor jammies. He had a tractor birthday party. He has even started to name things Tractor....he has a puppy named Tractor, a doll named Tractor (his YaYa gave him one of my old dolls before the twins were born), and a resident lizard on our patio now affectionately known as Tractor. It is precious to see his eyes light up while playing with his tractors, while watching out the window to see the tractors drive by, and especially while riding with his Daddy or GoGo on one of the big tractors. He even knows which one is the "old" one and which one is the "new" one...they look the same to me...but he politely corrects me every time I guess wrong. He is even sweet enough to let Isabelle and Sophia play with some of his prized possessions, but with the stipulation that they don't spit up on them. I just love that he loves something so simple so much, and what better thing for a little boy to love than tractors!

Working with Daddy
Ready to cruise...
This is the life...being pulled in the tractor holding his very first tractor from GoGo!
May my little man always be this happy!!!
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