Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Plagio What???

Plagiocephaly: a condition characterized by an asymmetrical distortion of the skull. Sounds so much more sophisticated than saying "flattening of one side of the head", right? Well, this condition is commonly the result of a restrictive intrauterine environment. Considering my substantial sized twins were just tad bit cramped for nearly 38 weeks, it is not too terribly surprising that both have been diagnosed with this condition. Basically, the right sides of their precious little heads are flattened, their foreheads are angled, their ears are slightly misaligned, and one of each their cheeks appears slightly fuller. Interestingly, their heads are the exact same shape, crazy, but oh so fitting for identical twins. Sooooooo, after trying the recommended conservative methods to correct without much success, we have decided to proceed with treatment using a cranial orthotic device called a DOC band...yes, a baby helmet of sorts. We had our imaging appointment this week and we will go back in on Monday for the fitting. So for the next 6-8 weeks or so, my little birds will be sporting the latest in fashionable headgear! Ideal for our kiddos to be in helmets during the!...are we going to make the best of it and decorate them oh so bet!!! Pictures to come soon... And just remember what your mother always taught is not polite to stare:)

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